Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The 6th Video Has Cancelled in PublicBnk ( where Huntress working ) behindMadras Cafe ( 1st Video ) has move to HattenhoteL ( not oppo St Xavier Church ) . Huntress & Mysterio = Reason why Guan Eng marry B etty Chew and manage get BIG fundraising up to RM 100 million from cayamGE10&11

Relationship between Bumble Bee / Spiderman and Mysterio are F as below :
relatives which has how many sons , blogger's don't know their names - but most of them are labourer standard , except one is high educated one - working as auditor in PBB Sarawak branch ........ is coming back to malacca branch , will married and will also get promoted ................. but all this not FREE as he needs to insult bloggers ........... so he asking bloggers to go to PBB Bank for some job interview which he told has better future ......... but during interview , bloggers fail 2 answer many question like Bursa Saham , Investment although job applied is Cashier . And this " What is his names ??? relatives , blogger still don't know year to date " even didn't follow up why bloggers fail 2get the job . 

Relationship between Bumble Bee / Captain America and Huntress are H as below :
CA meets Huntress ( after 12 years marriage ) in Public Bank in 2010 for some reason up to 5 Times .. which Huntress gives a nickname Five .. not relations Bourne in Morocco ( some kind of Madras Name ) ..... Anyway , in Public Bank  , wife and husband SHOULD not working together . So Mysterio resign ( went to EON Bank which merge as Hong Leong Bank but closed and changed as UITM ) as below ... During in Sarawak , Mysterio as auditor has exposed a lot of mcayam problem .... So basically , Guan Eng and his Wife as ADUN In GE12 ( fund raising by mcayam ) is to prove they are better than Mysterio ..